We've created contextualized programming to meet youth where they're at. Here, we're all about relationship.
We engage in activity and programming that adds value to our relationship with youth, producing fruit such as renewed character, healthy relationships, joyful service, and clear purpose .
We clearly communicate the message of the gospel, and invite youth to place their faith in Jesus.
We foster discipleship as a lifelong follower of Jesus, with the purpose of having identity rooted in Christ.
how do we do it?

Saturated in Prayer
This has been key to our strategic pillars in the past 10 years. We cannot be effective in our mission without being saturated in prayer.
We need to be seeking the heart of God in our own development and in the development of our teams and ministries.
We need strategies in place for intentionally seeking God’s wisdom, provision and power.

Equip Staff & Volunteers
Staff Health and Resilient Spirituality – Spiritual Retreats
Foundations Credentialing Training
Volunteer Training
Equipping Administrators
Evangelism & Discipleship Training
Leadership Development
Presence Point Supervision Training
Continuous Education

Contextualized Youth Programming
This is our hallmark: 35 Chapters, 300 ministry sites, 900 different programs. We will seek to develop programs that meet the specific needs of youth in each unique community across Canada. There will be a growing resource bank of gathered program areas, however the contextualization of those programs to fit the interest, needs and values of local youth is essential.

We can’t accomplish “Every young person living fully in Christ” without partnerships.
Volunteer, church, community, ministry partner, inter-chapter, chapter-national, local ministry to local ministry, national ministry to national ministry.
Lets not do it alone, lets work within kingdom partnerships.